Resultados: 4

Effect of a Nursing intervention on the uncertainty of family members in Intensive Care

Introduction: Family members of patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit present high uncertainty level due to not knowing what is happening and to not having clear details about the related events; therefore, interventions are required to allow modulating those levels. Objective: To evaluate the effe...

Case management as an opportunity for healthcare: user experiences

Introduction: People with multimorbidity and their caregivers are beginning to be recognized as emerging subjects of health systems. In Colombia there is no differentiated approach to care for this population, as well as its health-disease process. Objective: To understand the experience of people with...

Aislamiento y confinamiento: La otra pandemia en el ámbito social

Introducción: El aislamiento y el confinamiento son medidas de alto impacto social que, a nivel mundial y en mayor o menor grado de intensidad, han provocado cambio, temporales o permanentes, respecto a la forma en que se realizan las interacciones sociales. Objetivo: realizar un estudio en el ámbito d...

Representações sociais sobre cateterismo periférico pediátrico na perspectiva da família e enfermagem

Introdução: a punção venosa constitui-se num procedimento de atribuição da equipe de enfermagem e destaca-se entre as tecnologias imprescindíveis para garantir a sobrevivência e a terapia das comorbidades agudas/crônicas infantis. Objetivou-se discutir as representações sociais dos profissiona...